My work is closely related to the shaman in its way of seeing the world as a continuous tale needing to be told. Just like a shaman, my paintings shape the story of my inner universe as it reveals itself, in a unique act of generosity towards humanity. Art functions in the imaginary register, quite like a shaman does. When art and I, the creator, are aligned, we shape the void of the Thing and generate the miracle of form. We transcend together the limits of time and space and meet the unspeakable, becoming one in infinite oscillations in and out of human psyche. Via my act of painting, art grants me access to the Real straight through the imaginary, and lets me encounter the Transcendent Other, who hugs me while I swim in incandescent waters. As I stand outside and transcend myself, art becomes my shaman and my medicine man; inside its magical portal I can heal myself and travel to other dimensions, wrapped in unconceivable ecstasy. The spray-can in my hands turns into a magic wand, through which I can metaphorically access the Transcendent Other; I can swirl the spray-can, enter a new dimension and explore what’s inside. While the Eleusinian Mysteries had real magic, I have my paint magic.