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A post-contemporary dance of dead souls

Damned by a constant push towards destruction, human desire can’t stop itself, and the Freudian death drive is today a “hyperhedonistic apology of enjoyment”, Massimo Recalcati notices, that can only be solved by “channeling this ruinous, eccentric drive, this potency to enjoy towards fruitful, creative directions.” The shaman is closely related to the artist in his way of seeing the world as a continuous tale that needs to be told. Like the artist in front of a white canvas, the shaman shapes the story of the cosmo as it reveals itself. …


It's happening

A matter of consciousness

La sciamana


Everything happens at The Magic Shed. Everything happens at The Magic Shed.Everything happens at The Magic Shed.Everything happens at The Magic Shed.Everything happens at The Magic Shed.Everything happens at The Magic Shed.Everything happens at The Magic Shed.Everything happens at The Magic Shed.

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